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  • 职称/职务:副教授 博导 吴玉章学者
  • 研究领域:应用宏观经济学、政策协同、预期管理
  • Email: zidong.an@ruc.edu.cn


2019年  美利坚大学  经济学院  经济学博士

2011年  伊利诺伊大学香槟分校  经济学院  经济学硕士

2009年  中国人民大学  经济学院  经济学学士


2019年9月-至今  中国人民大学应用经济学院  副教授

2016年9月-2019年8月  国际货币基金组织(IMF)  高级研究员

2016年6月-2016年8月  国际货币基金组织(IMF)  博士实习生

2015年9月-2016年1月  Policy Center for the New South  非驻所研究员

2015年4月-2016年5月  国际货币基金组织(IMF)  研究员

2011年8月-2016年5月  美利坚大学  研究教学助理






1. An, Z., Abo-Zaid, S. and Sheng, X., 2023. Inattention and the impact of monetary policy. Journal of Applied Econometrics

2. An, Z., Sheng, X. and Zheng, X., 2023. What is the role of perceived oil price shocks in inflation expectations? Energy Economics

3. An, Z. and Zheng, X., 2023. Diligent forecasters can make accurate predictions despite disagreeing with the consensus. Economic Modelling

4. An, Z., Binder, C. and Sheng, X. S., 2023. Gas price expectations of Chinese households. Energy Economics

5. Hu, F. and An, Z., 2023. The buffering effect of higher education expansion on the Okun's law in China. Review of Public Economics

6. An, Z., 2023. Financial reforms and capital accumulation in developing economies: New data and evidence. China Economic Review

7. Wang, M., Huang, Y., An, Z. and Wei, C., 2022. Reforming the world's largest heating system: Quasi-experimental evidence from China. Energy Economics

8. Che, J., An, Z., Zheng, Y. and Song, F., 2022. The dynamic complementarity of renewable energy sources: A Bayesian vector autoregressive approach. International Journal of Green Energy

9. An, Z., Zhang, F. and Li, H., 2022. Elasticity of substitution between public and private capital: Evidence from manufacturing firms in Europe. Economics Letters

10. 吴施美,郑新业,安子栋:气候治理与短期经济波动:气候变化奥肯定律,《经济学动态》,2022年第4期

11. An, Z., Bluedorn, J. and Ciminelli, G., 2022. Okun's Law, development, and demographics: Differences in the cyclical sensitivities of unemployment across economy and worker groups. Applied Economics

12. An, Z., Liu, D. and Wu, Y., 2021. Expectation formation following pandemic events. Economics Letters

13. An, Z. and Jalles, J., 2020. On the performance of US fiscal forecasts: Government vs. private information. Journal of Economic Studies

14. An, Z., Kangur, A. and Papageorgiou, C., 2019. On the substitution of private and public capital in production. European Economic Review

15. An, Z., Ghazi, T., Prieto, N.G. and Ibourk, A., 2019. Growth and jobs in developing economies: Trends and cycles. Open Economies Review

16. An, Z., Ball, L., Jalles, J. and Loungani, P., 2019. Do IMF forecasts respect Okun's law? Evidence for advanced and developing economies. International Journal of Forecasting

17. An, Z., Jalles, J. and Loungani, P., 2019. An assessment of the IMF's unemployment forecasts. Manchester School

18. An, Z., Jalles, J., Loungani, P. and Sousa, R.M., 2018. Do IMF fiscal forecasts add value?. Journal of Forecasting

19. An, Z., Jalles, J. and Loungani, P., 2018. How well do economists forecast recessions?. International Finance


1. An, Z. 2020. Inattention in the G7 countries: Transmission and policy implications

2. An, Z. and Furceri, D., 2020. Channels of risk sharing within the United States


1. An, Z., 2023. How China's reopening will help global economic recovery. CGTN

2. An, Z. and Loungani, P., 2020. Forecasting recoveries is difficult: Evidence from past recessions. VoxEU

3. Ahn, M.J., An, Z., Bluedorn, M.J.C., Ciminelli, G., Koczan, Z., Malacrino, M.D., Muhaj, D. and Neidlinger, P., 2019. Work in progress: Improving youth labor market outcomes in emerging market and developing economies. IMF Staff Discussion Note 19(2)