刘 阳
- 职称/职务:副教授
- 研究领域:能源宏观,国际金融,碳经济
- 电子邮箱:lyang0822@ruc.edu.cn
2012年9月-2016年7月 北京航空航天大学 学士
2018年9月-2019年9月 Leicester University 联合培养
2016年9月-2020年6月 北京航空航天大学 博士
2024年9月-至今 中国人民大学应用经济学院 副教授
2022年9月-2024年8月 中国人民大学应用经济学院 讲师
2020年7月-2022年9月 中国人民大学应用经济学院 师资博士后
[17] 刘阳,韩立岩. 关注尾部风险:贸易政策不确定性、预期与人民币汇率变动[J]. 管理科学学报,2024, 27(5), 141-158.
[16] Qiao, H., Qin, P., Liu, Y.* Yang Y. (2023). International energy trade and inflation dynamics: The role of invoicing currency use during the low carbon transition, Energy Economics, 128, 107178.
[15] Xu, J., Zhang, X, Liu, Y.* (2023). Asymmetric search behavior for gasoline prices: Evidence from the Chinese gasoline market, International Review of Economics & Finance, 89(B), 699-712.
[14] Xie, L., Wei, C., Zheng, X., Liu, Y.*, Wu, W., & Feng, Z. (2023). Who benefits from household energy transition? A cost-benefit analysis based on household survey data in China. China Economic Review, 77, 101878.
[13] Liu, Y., Jiang, Z., & Guo, B. (2022). Assessing China’s provincial electricity spot market pilot operations: Lessons from Guangdong province. Energy Policy, 164, 112917.
[12] Liu Y., Jin Y. (2022). Special Economic Zones, Export Status and Firms' Productivity: Theory and Evidence from China. Review of Development Economics, 26(3), 1338-1360.
[11] Liu, Y., Qiao, T., & Han, L. (2022). Does clean energy matter? Revisiting the spillovers between energy and foreign exchange markets. Journal of Futures Markets, 42(11), 2068-2083.
[10] Sun, J., Zhang, X. B., Liu, Y.*, & Zheng, X. (2022). Pass-through of diesel taxes and the effect on carbon emissions: Evidence from China. Journal of Environmental Management, 321, 115857.
[9] Qiao, T., Han, L., Liu, Y*. (2021). Does targeted poverty alleviation disclosure improve stock performance? Economics Letters, 2021, 201: 109805.
[8] Liu, Y., Han, L., Xu, Y. (2021). The Impact of Geopolitical Uncertainty on Energy Volatility. International Review of Financial Analysis, 75: 101743.
[7] Liu, Y., Han, L., & Yin, L. (2019). News implied volatility and long-term foreign exchange market volatility. International Review of Financial Analysis, 61, 126-142.
[6] Han, L., Liu, Y., & Yin, L. (2019). Uncertainty and currency performance: A quantile-on-quantile approach. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 48, 702-729.
[5] Liu, Y., Han, L., & Yin, L. (2018). Does news uncertainty matter for commodity futures markets? Heterogeneity in energy and non‐energy sectors. Journal of Futures Markets, 38(10): 1246-1261.
[4] Liu, Y., Han, L., Yin, Z., & Luo, K. (2017). A competitive carbon emissions scheme with hybrid fiscal incentives: the evidence from a taxi industry. Energy Policy, 102, 414-422.
[3] Han L., Liu Y., Lin, Q., Huang, G.. (2015). Valuing carbon assets for high-tech with application to the wind energy industry. Energy Policy, 87: 347-358.
[2] 刘阳, 杨玉刚, 韩立岩. 国际能源大变局下的中国能源定价权[J]. 国际金融, 2023(5), 24-27.
[1] 韩立岩, 徐扬, 刘阳. 2017 年人民币汇率的走势与对策[J]. 国际金融, 2017(4).